I’m Abi, a birth and postnatal doula supporting families in Bristol.
The role of a doula.
A doula provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support before, during and after childbirth. No matter how or where you choose to birth, a doula will make sure you have the tools you need to make intuitive and informed choices for yourself and your baby.
Clinical research shows that having a doula present results in the following birth outcomes:
More likely to have a spontaneous vaginal delivery
More likely to have a shorter labour
More likely to successfully breastfeed
More likely to have a higher regard for and increased sensitivity towards your baby
More likely to feel positive towards your birth experience
Less likely to give birth by unplanned Caesarean
Less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
Less likely to request pain relief including epidural
Less likely to develop Postnatal Depression
Less likely for your baby to have a low five minute Apgar score